Our retail display stands are Eco-friendly, Sustainability, Carbon footprint and green energy; We all know how these terminologies have a massive level of weightage in today’s world and the level of sophistication it brings to the modern-day business modules. It is becoming progressively clear that the lifestyle of humans is sabotaging our Earth irreversibly.

A lot of businesses are coming together to look at the waste they produce after they found information more at the website, the energy they consume and the inconvenience that is caused due to an unsustainable approach that is involved in the process. This entire game of Offline branding has been deemed as unsustainable because of the energy consumption, amount of retail display stands/units/apparatus that are junked after one’s use. It doesn’t and shouldn’t have to be that way. How can we rectify this? How can we perform a targeted action towards creating a sustainable approach for marketing/branding? This article will give you an acute perspective on how one can marginalise the shortcomings of unsustainable approach to branding solutions. 

Recently in the business arena, Corporate Social Responsibility is gaining good relevance with increased activity of businesses to prevent environmental damage. Does it really mean that you should spend extra or sacrifice your profits for environmental impacts? Beyond having a palpable impact on the environment, IN MOST CASES  it is proven that investing money on the environment, increases profitability. Amitoje is providing CSR strategy solutions relevant to businesses with a financial performance which will guarantee its survival and competitiveness. Our solutions to CSR is directly linked to financial profitability and customer satisfaction and therefore trying to marry economy and environment together.

Use and throw stands will eventually phase out as they are designed for one time use and therefore have very low lifetime (for example, it can be used for a particular event at a particular location and has to be dismissed as scrap after there is a new launch or change in brand communication). It is inconvenient to transport as they are generally produced in single pieces and are neither modular nor foldable. At Amitoje India, we produce custom built modular and foldable POS and retail display stands which are equally fabulous as the conventional stands which perform environmentally way better than use and throw stands as they are recyclable and reduces transportation as they are modular and foldable.

Our products are made of environmentally and sustainably performing materials. All the materials ranging from aluminium framework to LED lights, are consciously chosen to produce high quality end product and not compromising on environmental emissions. 100% recyclable, sturdy and unbreakable

Custom grade of corrugated plastic which is tailor – manufactured for us (majorly used in our Foldie range for example Foldie FSU, CTU, Parasites etc). Printing is made on moon board which is strong, durable and 100% recyclable PVC material (used in our Crazy Lite range products). To apprehend stable dimensions, paint and glue, Medium Density Fibre boards are used which is very consistent in strength and size and shapes well. 

What we do – Innovative and practical solutions to reduce carbon foot print

As the famous saying goes “Think Global and Act Local”,  we are coming up with local plausible solutions to reduce the impact on environment globally. To eliminate waste generated and maximise productivity, we estimate a Minimum Order Quantity for our customers to provide the maximum at a competitive price and very minimal material wastage.

Our POS display stands and retail display stands units are flat-packed in a simple corrugated box  and it can be easily installed in a minute without any special tools and can be done by anyone and does not require skilled person to do it. Five to six times more POS display stands or standees can be easily transported to the location when compared to conventional build and burn stands . The retail display stand can be easily dismantled and be kept in the storage using minimal space. The design life of the display stands is increased as these display stands can still be re-used in case of any new launch or change in brand communication as only the print can be easily changed. Highly recyclable materials are chosen such as corrugated plastic and aluminium. 

Rather than just green advertising, at Amitoje India, we care about the well-being of others as we are committed to a sustainable environment with zero carbon footprints as we believe that “there is no business on a dead planet”. In our culture and from the nature we know that we reap what we sow which means all our actions have consequences. A conscious action towards environment protection is necessary and urgent and we as an LED Screen Manufacturer business need to act on it and we are sure would reap positive impacts on the environment and consequently human wellbeing.

Author: Yashwitha Salian
yashwitha (at) amitoje (dot) com

Yashwitha is an experienced brand consultant at Amitoje India, with experience of helping top brands maximise ROI through POSM/POS display stands and POP branding. To reach out to her for your brand click -> www.amitoje.com/whatsapp and ask for Yashwitha.

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