Imagine this. You have a giant ship fully loaded, the perfect sail plan, everything is in order, the ship is ready to depart, and then you get stuck because the fuel is too expensive. What a bummer, isn’t it! Now compare this to purchasing POSM display stands. Despite having all the costs previously allocated and the budgets in place, if you’re a regular in this field you’d know budgets more often than not do overshoot. This could be because of the design, the material, customisation, transportation or any other unforeseen expense. At this point, taking a step back or treating a negotiation as a world war wouldn’t help, what would help is looking at the larger picture which I’m hoping to show you through this article.

When we plan for display solutions to help with our visibility in the retail sector, one of the first few steps is planning a budget. Naturally when we see that getting exceeded, it creates difficulty. Then we do something even more difficult- negotiate. The tug of war begins, quotes are thrown in, bargains are made, we play cat and mouse, and eventually after wasting enough time, we close (which may or may not be too different from the initial quote). Did we save some money eventually? Maybe. Did we choose another vendor and compromise on quality? Maybe. Did we waste time and energy that could have been put to better use? Definitely. 

What one needs to understand here is that if you’re in contact with a good salesperson, he/ she will work in your favour for your best interest. That salesperson doesn’t personally benefit by getting more money out of you and it will be a part of his/ her training to give you the best deal (I can say that for myself cause it was a part of my training at Amitoje India). Trust that your salesperson will give you a deal which saves you money and helps you, and if that still doesn’t fit your budget, put yourself back on that ship and ask yourself a few questions- do you like how the ship looks? Do you trust it to sail well? Are you making enough money on each ticket to recover the costs eventually? Will these current passengers talk about your ship and the experience it gave them to other people?

While we all know that a penny saved is a penny earned, trust your experience and knowledge and know that you are investing only for it to come back in abundance. If you are in good hands, your salesperson will help you by figuring out ways to meet your budget. Having a good rapport, trust and mutual respect for that matter is very important in such cases. Believe that you both are on the same side, approach things from a positive angle and close the deal keeping in mind the larger vision and bigger picture, and trust me, your ship will sail smoothly and effortlessly 😊.

Author: Asees Chadha
asees (dot) chadha (at) amitoje (dot) com

Asees is an experienced brand consultant at Amitoje India, with experience of helping amazing brands like Coca Cola, Pepsico, Asian Paints etc maximise ROI through POSM display stands and POP branding. To reach out to her for your brand click -> and ask for Asees.

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